
1. The name of this club shall be Rugeley Rugby Union Football Club hereinafter called the Club.

2. The Club is formed to provide all facilities for its members for playing rugby union football and all things incidental to this.

3. The club aims to ensure that all people regardless of age, gender, race, creed, colour, sexual orientation, nationality, social status or ability have equal opportunity to participate in rugby union and the operations of the club at all levels and in all roles in accordance with the laws, byelaws or rules of the club, the RFU or Lea Hall.

4.The committee and members shall ensure compliance with the clubs child protection policy as published.

5. The affairs of the Club shall be controlled by the general committee hereinafter called the Committee, all officers and sub committees as and when formed shall report to this committee. The committee shall have the power to conduct all the business of the club.

6. The officers of the Club shall consist of the following:-

·Vice Chairman (can be one of elected members)
·Fixture Secretary
·Social Secretary
·Team Captains (or vice captain if not available)
·Press Secretary
·Junior Section Representative
·General committee members

All of the above shall stand for election at the annual general meeting except team captains who shall be elected by the players prior to the last game of the season. All persons wishing to be elected must be full members of the club.

7. Subscriptions shall be set at the annual general meeting. Membership is classified as follows:- Full member : has paid full yearly subscription fees and entitled to vote on all matters concerning the club, also entitled to apply for international tickets. Honorary/life member: as above without the need to pay yearly fees. Junior / social member: these are club members not eligible to play senior rugby due to age or non playing members regardless of age. Anyone playing senior rugby shall pay senior yearly subscriptions. These members are not able to vote on administrative matters of the club.

8. The committee along with the registrar shall set membership classification of all members and consider applications for membership at monthly meetings as necessary. The committee can reject an application without furnishing a reason.

9. The Secretary and Registrar shall keep a record both physical and electronic of the names and addresses of all Club members and shall supply captains with up to date lists. The Secretary shall also conduct the correspondence of the Club and receive any member’s complaints, which must be in writing, and bring them to the next committee meeting.

10. The Treasurer shall keep all Club accounts and shall present a clear account of Club finances to the Annual General Meeting, duly audited if required, as at the first day of May. Also report current financial position at monthly meetings. The clubs current account shall require all transactions to be counter signed by two members ( usually chair and treasurer.)

11. The Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Club shall be held on such a day as the Committee shall appoint during May, for the purpose of the election of Officers and general committee members. Also the presentation of accounts and the receiving of officers reports and consideration of any special proposition of which written notice shall have been given to the Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the meeting. The Secretary shall display a notice in the clubhouse giving seven days notice of the date and time of the meeting and details of any proposals, this may also be posted on the Club website.

12. The President shall take the chair at the AGM and the chairman or vice chairman at all other meetings. They shall have a second or casting vote in the event of a tie.

13. The committee ( seven of whom shall form a quorum ), shall consist of the ex-officio members as listed in rule 4 above plus any co-opted members it was felt necessary to employ, will meet as required but not less than once a month. Seven days notice being given to all members.

14. If club membership levels fall below 15 members or there are less than 10 members willing to serve on the committee then a revised quorum will be one more than half elected members. The quorum for an AGM shall be one more than 25% of senior members.

15. At least seven days prior to the appointed date of the AGM notice shall be given, in writing, to the secretary of any member wishing to stand for office together with names of proposer and seconder and signed as accepted by the nominee. The nominations will be displayed in the club house for at least seven days prior to the meeting. Any full or life member may stand, propose, second or vote in the elections.

16. If there is the same number or less members willing to stand as the committee they shall all be duly elected. If there are more nominees than positions then an selection by ballot shall take place by those present. There will be no votes by proxy allowed.

17. The committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees and co-opt members to the full committee as it deems necessary to continue running the affairs of the club. A co-opted member will serve as a full committee member and be eligible for re election to the post they have filled at he next AGM. Sub-committee shall report as required to the main committee ( usually each month ) and the chair of such shall have a second casting vote.

18. Any member of the committee being absent for three successive meetings without giving suitable apologies may at the discretion of the committee be debarred from attending further meetings and their position filled by another member.

19. No member shall accept or claim expenses other than their actual out of pocket expenses and will be required to show proof of such expenditure. A breach of this rule will be classed as gross misconduct.

20. The Committee shall have the power to suspend from the Club any member who in their opinion shall be guilty of conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club and shall have the power to expel such a member after having given them notice in writing of their intention and given them the opportunity of appearing before them in person or through a representative and/or a written explanation. The matter having in the first instance been dealt with by the clubs disciplinary sub-committee. A written statement will be sent within five working days of the outcome of the disciplinary meeting, such a meeting being held not later than five working days from the offence coming to the Clubs attention, and an appeal will be considered if written notice received within five working days of this statement. If the appeal fails no subscription monies will be refunded and that persons membership of lea hall will also be terminated (if applicable). The laws/ rules of lea hall miners welfare club should be observed at all times whilst on their premises and circumvent those of Rugeley rufc. The disciplinary sub committee shall consist of four senior full committee members plus a players representative (usually team capt.). These positions shall be decided at the first meeting after an AGM and duly posted on the clubs web page.

21. Every candidate for admission to the club must be proposed and seconded by an officer or full member, both of whom should vouch for their suitability. The name and address of all applicants shall be passed to the secretary and registrar. Upon being accepted for membership a person will have 30 days to pay their subscriptions in full.

22. Annual subscriptions shall be due on election or 30th June each year. If the subscription of any member remains unpaid on October 1st, that member having been notified in writing, the committee will publish their name on a list in the club premises. If it remains unpaid on December 31st their membership will be deemed to be lapsed and their name removed from the club members list. A member may resign in writing at any time if they so wish, any subscription monies paid will be forfeited.

23. All members shall keep the secretary/registrar informed at all times as to their current postal address, this list will be covered by data protection laws as applicable. For general notices an email address may be given. It should not normally be required for the club to contact the general membership other than for a general or extraordinary meeting. Notices of which will also be displayed in the club and on the website for the allocated period.

24. The committee may elect any person a life member in consideration of special services to the club. All life members shall benefit from every privilege of the club free from annual fees.

25. The team captains shall be elected in the manner prescribed in Rule 4 and shall appoint their own vice capt., the names of whom shall be passed to the secretary.

26. An extraordinary general meeting of the club shall be called by the secretary upon a requisition being presented to them signed by at least fifteen members eligible to vote, at least ten of whom must be present when the meeting takes place or on the authority of the committee. Seven days notice being given to voting members in writing of time, place and proposals to be put before the meeting. This meeting will be chaired by a senior club member and minutes taken.

28. Members ( in compliance with current licensing laws ) may introduce and entertain guests at the club not withstanding the rules of lea hall miners welfare club. That member will be responsible at all times for their good behaviour and will not leave the premises before them.

29. Visiting teams and their supporters will be afforded temporary membership of the club on match days.

30. Neither the club or its officers shall be liable to any member or guest for loss of property occurring from whatever cause in or about the club premises nor any injury occurring whilst on the premises, a notice to this affect will be displayed in a prominent position along with notice that the club has liability insurance to cover such an incident.

31. All property of the club including equipment and monies shall be held by the committee, in their own names if necessary and practicable, for the use and benefit of the club. On the death, resignation or removal from office of a named person the committee shall take steps to procure a suitable replacement. Any club property held by such a person will be recovered in a timely manner. The committee act at all times on the mandate given them by the membership and if necessary have the power to take on loans or make pledges etc without the need to call on the membership for further validation.

33. If the number of full members shall at any time fall below ten. Or if the club shall pass in general meeting by a majority comprising two-thirds or more of the members present and entitled to vote a resolution ( the first resolution ) of its intention to dissolve, then the committee or failing them the members shall take immediate steps to liquidise all assets. They have the power to delay or postpone this as authorised. Out of these proceeds all debts shall be discharged including any costs involved with this process. Any balance shall be disposed of in accordance with the remaining members wishes and thereupon the club shall be dissolved. Providing that if the club shall not, within six months after the date of the first resolution, have disposed of such balances then the same shall be divided equally between all persons who were full members at the time of the first resolution. A copy of the notice for convening a general meeting under this rule shall be sent by post to the last confirmed address of every member not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting. Any accidental omission to send a copy or the none receipt of the same will not invalidate the proceedings or resolution.

34. These rules may be altered, abrogated or added to at any general meeting by the vote of two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote. Notice of any proposed change shall be submitted to the secretary in accordance with rule 11 or

35. A copy of these rules shall be posted in the clubhouse and will be available to any member via the website or from the secretary.